
2024: Ending on a Dark Note

It was a pretty good year for the environment – until November 5, that is.

2024 ended on a grim note for anyone who cares about the environment.  Donald Trump is once again in the White House. His record in the first term made him in the most anti-environmental President in history.  The story of the next four years will be a struggle to limit his damage while doing as much as we can to continue progress at the state level and in the private sector.


There are Piles of Coal in America’s Christmas Stocking

Coal is piling up, unused, at powerplants across the country

Bad children, supposedly, will get only lumps of coal in their stockings. That could be taken as a metaphor for the anti-environmental programs coming down the line, but I have in mind something a bit less metaphorical. According to a recent report, coal-fired power plants have immense piles of coal – 138 million tons, equal …


Good & Bad Environmental News From the U.S. Supreme Court

Escalating Legal Attacks on California’s Longstanding Clean Air Act “Waiver” Authority

This past week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued important orders in two closely-related environmental cases previously decided by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.  Last Friday the justices granted review in Diamond Alternative Energy v. Environmental Protection Agency, agreeing to decide whether fossil fuel manufacturers have legal standing to challenge an …


How to Make Climate as Compelling as Egg Prices

While politicians are right to focus on cost of living, it’s dangerously wrong to assume voters rejected climate policies in the 2024 election.

How do we make the climate crisis as compelling to voters as the price of eggs? That’s a question—an existential question—I’ve been asking myself for weeks now. My UCLA Emmett Institute colleagues and I have some ideas that I’ll be sharing over the next weeks and months. We’re hardly alone: Two months after a disheartening …


California Can Protect Climate Policies—and Pocketbooks

California flag and Capitol.

Lawmakers can use climate policies to alleviate some cost burdens. They should also resist the narrative that climate progress is driving affordability concerns.

Affordability is the name of the game at the California Legislature this session, with leaders in both the Assembly and the Senate talking explicitly about cost of living. But legislators’ focus on bringing costs down for average Californians doesn’t need to come at the expense of forward-thinking climate policy. Here are a few things legislators …


Climate Politics and Electoral Realignment

Some deep-seated dividing lines in U.S. politics seem to be eroding, with potential implications for climate policy.

The electorate is changing. Racial divisions are blurring, the GOP has gained a solid following among working class voters (especially whites), and college graduates and those with above median incomes have shifted to the Democrats. Among the many effects will be changes in the politics surrounding climate change. We will start to see an increased rate of success for advocates of climate actions in off-year and down-ballot races. 


Meeting information needs for water markets: Understanding water diversion and use

Text in the foreground says "Information Needs for Water markets: Fair and Effective Water Markets Require Adequate Measurement and Reporting of Diversion and Use. In the background, a groundwater well pumps water through a pipe into an adjacent agricultural water channel.

New CLEE report examines a prerequisite for fair and effective water markets

by Nell Green Nylen and Molly Bruce Water scarcity is a growing problem for agriculture and ecosystems across the U.S. Southwest. In many areas, unsustainable water use has overstretched local water supplies, and climate change is making these supplies more volatile. Water markets have the potential to enhance climate resilience by helping water users adapt …


President-Elect Trump vs. California: What Lies Ahead?

Credit: Freepik

Will It Be Environmental Law & Policy Deja Vu All Over Again? Or Even Worse?

Californians who care about the environment likely–and justifiably–feel whipsawed this week.  Former President Trump (#45) has re-emerged as President-elect Trump (#47), interrupted by the intervening four years of the Biden-Harris presidential administration.  (Actually, this presidential whipsaw has been going on for decades: think Bush Sr.-Clinton-Bush Jr.-Obama-Trump-Biden-Trump redux.) In general, California’s progressive environmental laws and policies …


The Morning After

Given Trump’s victory, what can be done to save the planet?

wice before in this century, enemies of environmental protection have taken the helm.  After taking office, Bush embraced fossil fuels, opposed climate action, and weakened environmental regulations. Trump’s first term made Bush seem like a tree hugger, and his second term may be even worse.  The strategies we’ve used in the past are still applicable, though circumstances have changed. 


Climate, Energy, and Environment on the Ballot

Ballot measures in Washington and California are especially important but others are worth noting.

The two biggest state initiatives are a $10 billion green bond proposal in California and a proposed rollback of Washington State’s new cap-and-trade program.  The outcomes of these and other initiatives will provide a barometer of public sentiment on environmental issues.


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