public service

Law Schools in the Public Interest: Environmental Programs in the Northeast

This is the final installment in a series of posts about the public service activities of environmental law programs.  There are a lot of law schools in this part of the country; space allows the inclusion of entries from only a few of them: A clinic that represents solar power companies, assists communities with climate …


Law Schools in the Public Interest: Environmental Programs on the West Coast and in the Southwest

Environmental law programs on the West Coast and in the Southwest — basically, the states in the Ninth Circuit — are very active in public service.  Here are some examples: A continuing legal education program for lawyers on energy and environment. A natural resources clinic that participates in administrative proceedings before federal lands agencies. A …


Law Schools in the Public Interest: Environmental Programs in the South

I’ve been struck by how much environmental law programs are doing to advance the public interest.  Without purporting to do a complete survey, I thought it would still be illuminating to provide five or ten examples from different parts of the country. Today, I’m going to start with the South.  Although the South is probably …