UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy launches new website, publishes climate policy issue

Forgive me for a little boasting about our great student-run environmental law journal, which has just launched a new website with downloadable content and published a terrific, policy-oriented issue (together with the Emmett Center) with lessons from state leaders across the country on tackling climate change.   

The issue focuses on how states are addressing the climate crisis in light of federalism constraints and opportunities, and what their future role will be or should be in the context of a national climate policy.  Congressman Henry Waxman wrote the Foreword, introducing pieces by Governor Jim Doyle of Wisconsin, Mary Nichols and guest blogger Ken Alex of California, and other officials from Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, and New York. 

The issue also includes a constitutional analysis of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative by Professor William Funk, as well as student comments on California’s SB 375 and on cap-and-trade carbon credits. 

Details and links to the pieces below.  Enjoy!

Foreword, Rep. Henry A. Waxman

California’s Climate Change Program: Lessons for the Nation, Mary D. Nichols

Challenges and Opportunities for Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions at the State, Regional and Local Level, The Honorable Jim Doyle

The Changing Climate of Cooperative Federalism: The  Dynamic Role of the States in a National Strategy to Combat Climate Change, Jared Snyder and Jonathan Binder

The Role of Illinois and the Midwest in Responding to the Challenges of Climate Change, Douglas Scott

A Colorado Perspective: The New Energy EconomyJim Martin and Ginny Brannon

Climate Change Action in Connecticut: Linking Energy, the Environment and the Economy, Paul E. Farrell

Massachusetts Takes On Climate Change, Ken Kimmell and Laurie Burt

Climate Change Action in Arizona, Steve Owens

The Essential Role of State Enforcement in the Brave New World of Greenhouse Gas Emission Limits, Matt Bogoshian and Ken Alex

Constitutional Implications of Regional CO2 Cap-and-Trade Programs: The Northeast Regional Greenhouse
Gas Initiative as a Case in Point
, William Funk

SB 375: Promise, Compromise and the New Urban Landscape, John Darakjian

Not All Carbon Credits Are Created Equal: The Constitution and the Cost of Regional Cap-and-Trade Market Linkage, Juliet Howland

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About Cara

Cara Horowitz is the co-executive director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at UCLA School of Law. The Emmett Institute was founded as the f…

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About Cara

Cara Horowitz is the co-executive director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at UCLA School of Law. The Emmett Institute was founded as the f…

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