Month: October 2012

Climate Change Politics: Calling Junior Appropriators!

“Whiskey is for drinking.  Water is for fighting over.” At least that’s the old saying (incorrectly attributed to Twain), and it is true.  You can’t study water law for more than a moment without seeing conflict.  In the west, water law is particularly conflictual due to the system of prior appropriation: rivers are divided into …


My 2011 Hamilton Project Paper on U.S Transport Infrastructure Investment

The blogosphere appears to have taken an interest in my 2011 Brookings Institution Hamilton Project  paper (joint with David Levinson) focused on improving the rate of return on U.S investment in transportation infrastructure. Here is the Executive Summary:  “The roads and bridges that make up our nation’s highway infrastructure are in disrepair as a result …


Effective Nudges for Encouraging Kids to Eat Veggies

I am in the airport lounge in Frankfurt, Germany.  Having just eaten a tasty jelly doughnut, I thought I should post this NY Times piece  which highlights that kids are throwing away the healthy veggies they are being served in school.  Are the young environmentalists more likely to eat them?  What nudge would Cass Sunstein suggest …


Is Rain a Miracle?

Starting this Sunday evening, with the festival of Shemini Atzeret, observant Jews add a brief passage in the middle of the Amidah, the central prayer of the Jewish liturgy.  Addressing God, the line reads: You cause the winds to blow and the rain to fall. It’s hardly surprising in one sense: with the beginning of …


Conservative versus Ultra-Conservative in the Hoosier State

The Indiana race features Joe Donnelly, a conservative Democrat, against Richard Mourdock, a Tea Party Republican.  Both are more conservative than their counterparts in other competitive Senate races. I discussed Mourdock briefly in a post about Tea Party candidates.  He stands out for his endorsement of the view that climate change is a hoax. This …


Mitt Romney Hates Green Energy More Than He Hates Big Bird

Mitt Romney hates green energy even more than he hates Big Bird.  Or at least government support for it.  He disparaged  green energy subsidies three times last night, arguing that President Obama had spent $90 billion subsidizing it over the course of his administration, “50 years’ worth of what oil and gas get.” He also claimed that …


Adapting to Increased Fire Risk in the West

The LA Times features two really good opinion pieces today about environmental issues. One is by my colleague Glen MacDonald and the other is by Alyson Kenward.  Glen’s piece provides new empirical evidence challenging the climate skeptics while Alyson Kenward discusses elevated fire risk in the American West. Kenward’s piece isn’t long enough to discuss …


“I Like Coal” — Romney Doubles Down on Fossil Fuels

The more fundamental issue, of course, is what these policies would do to global climate and how they would harm future generations. If our descendents could vote, that’s the issue they’d care the most about.


Barry Commoner’s Instructive Errors

The reflections published since the death of Barry Commoner a few days ago – including here by Dan Farber, and in many other places – have appropriately celebrated Commoner’s huge contributions to environmental science, and to raising public and political awareness of the gravity of environmental risks and the need to reduce them. But these …


To See What Is In Front Of One’s Nose…

“… is a constant struggle.” — George Orwell. In my post a couple of days ago, I neglected to mention one huge issue before the Supreme Court in Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum.  Although the Court originally granted cert on the issue of corporate liability, the Supremes kicked it back last February for reargument this …