New Legal Planet iPhone/iPad app provides easy mobile access to blog
I know many of you wake up daily wondering whether there might ever be a way to bring Legal Planet directly to your iPhone or iPad, with features such as push notifications, easy scanning and scrolling of recent content, designation of unread and previously-read posts, saving of favorites, and easy emailing of posts to friends and colleagues. Now that the free Legal Planet app has arrived in the App Store, you need not wonder any longer!
Here’s the official description of the app:
Legal Planet, a collaboration between UC Berkeley School of Law and UCLA School of Law, provides insight and analysis on energy and environmental law and policy. The Legal Planet app allows instant mobile access to the Legal Planet blog.
The app allows readers to view our blog posts and manage posts for future viewing. Legal Planet readers can store favorite posts for easy access, search new and saved posts, delete unneeded posts, send blog posts by e-mail, and easily navigate to the mobile Legal Planet website. Push notifications ensure that readers will be able to get the latest environmental news and analysis with no trouble at all.
Our goal is to fill a unique space on the blogosphere, not only by bridging the worlds of law and policy, but also by translating the latest developments in a way that’s understandable to a mass audience.
We write about Supreme Court decisions, regulatory actions, and state and national legislation that affects water resource management, toxic waste disposal, renewable energy, air quality, land use, green issues, sustainable living and sustainability, and more. The global challenge of climate change (global warming) is the driver behind our work.
The app functions by incorporating in-app browsing, so you need to be connected to the internet on your iPhone or iPad for it to be effective.
The iTunes preview link to the app is here. Or you can find it in the App Store by searching for Legal Planet. Please download it if you have an iPhone or iPad– we’d love to have a lot of mobile readers of the blog!
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