M. Rhead Enion

UCLA School of Law
M. Rhead Enion was the UCLA Law Emmett/Frankel environmental law fellow for 2010–2013. His research interests include cap-and-trade, coastal science and policy, environmental modeling, First Amendment law and civil liberties. As a fellow, Rhead researched law and policy solutions to the climate change crisis for the Emmett Center on Climate Change and the Environment, and conducted research on other environmental issues for the Evan Frankel Environmental Law & Policy Program. He supervised students in UCLA Law’s Frank G. Wells Environmental Clinic and taught water law and a seminar on the use of market mechanisms in environmental regulation. Rhead is currently clerking in Washington, D.C.
Enion is a 2010 graduate of Duke Law School, where he was an Articles Editor of the Duke Law Journal and graduated magna cum laude. He also has a master’s degree from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. He has worked as a research fellow at Duke’s Nicholas Institute and has interned with Oceana, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the ACLU of North Carolina.