Forest Offsets and Fuzzy Math in the Angeles National Forest

I previously posted that Sierra Club wants Governor Brown to re-examine forest offsets under California's cap-and-trade program. One of the commenters to that post wondered if the plan to plant 10,000 acres of trees in the Angeles National Forest was an example of such an offset. Now I don't know if that planting would count for offsets in AB 32's cap-and-trade program, but it is certainly an attempt to offset carbon emissions from Chevron's El Segundo refinery. In ord...


New White Paper on Reducing Water Use to Save Energy

In California, we're always talking about conserving water, usually because of a drought, and increasingly because of our growing population and likely future of water shortages due to climate change. But research shows another compelling reason: conserving water means conserving energy. Pumping and treating water is energy-intensive -- the state water project, with its big pumps to get water over the Tehachapi Mountains to Southern California, is the state's single b...


Clarence Thomas: Nino Scalia Should Resign

Well, not quite.  But just look at the quotes. Clarence Thomas, in a recent speech to Georgia attorneys: “This job is a humbling job,” he said. “It’s the end of the food chain. And some people can do it, and some can’t. But what it teaches you is that you don’t have all the answers. The people for whom this is an easy job are those who have never done it.”….. Thomas said one of the most important lessons he learned came early on when Justice Lewis Pow...


PG&E Can’t Show You the Money

The Pacific Gas & Electric Company, the utility whose natural gas pipeline in San Bruno, California exploded several months ago, failed to spend $183 million on pipeline safety that it had been authorized to collect between 1987 and 1999. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, U.S. Representative Jackie Speier wants to know what PG&E did with the money. There is one thing that is absolutely clear: she will never find out. That’s the way of utility ratemakin...


Leave ExxonMobil ALOOOOOONE…..

The next time a conservative tells you that he believes in the free market and balanced budgets, just show him this: Republicans senators who in the past have supported ending tax subsidies to big oil companies are prepared to vote Tuesday night with their party leadership to keep those subsidies in place. "I'm going to vote with my party," said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) during a Senate vote Tuesday afternoon. "I just think oil subsidies have to be part of a bigger pac...


Scholastic drops industry-funded pro-coal 4th-grade curriculum, but still maintains other programs that threaten public health

Last week, I posted an item about Scholastic, Inc.'s partnership with the coal industry to produce "The United States of Energy," an energy curriculum that promoted coal without disclosing its considerable public-health and environmental drawbacks.  The controversy over this partnership, publicized widely by the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, went as far as a chiding editorial from the New York Times.  Now, after a firestorm of publicity, Scholastic has anno...


May 23rd Sacramento Lunchtime Panel on Meeting California’s Renewable Energy Goals

For Legal Planet readers who will be in the Sacramento area next Monday, UCLA and UC Berkeley Schools of Law will be hosting a free lunchtime panel on policies to help California meet its renewable energy goals.  The keynote speaker will be Ken Alex, Governor Brown's Senior Advisor and Director of the Office of Planning and Research (of course Ken's most significant accomplishment is his stint as a Legal Planet guest-blogger). The event highlights research and white pa...


Good news, bad news on understanding climate science: WaPo and Los Alamitos ed boards

You can't get to good climate policy if policymakers don't believe (or don't profess to believe) that there's a problem to fix.  With this truism in mind, it's kind of a "two roads diverged in the woods" morning for understanding climate science and policy. First we have the editorial board of the Washington Post, not always known for its embrace of scientific consensus on this issue, with a pretty terrific editorial covering the National Research Council's final repor...


You want political theatre? I’LL show you political theatre

  This should be right up there in the annals of political chutzpah: ExxonMobil, the biggest international oil company, accused the US administration and Congress of “political theatre” in targeting the industry with discriminatory tax proposals that are due to be promoted at a Senate panel on Thursday.   The "discriminatory tax proposals" that gullible FT correspondents Sheila McNulty and James Politi noted are calls for eliminating the generous tax subsidies ...


Environmentalism Versus Science

  The French National Assembly yesterday voted to ban "fracking," which extracts shale gas and oil by injecting water, chemicals, and sand into rock formations, and has received strong criticism from the environmental community.  So you would think that the action, taken by a conservative government, would have pleased environmentalists. Apparently not: Far from claiming victory, environmentalists and opposition Socialists accused the government of yielding to ind...