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Cara Horowitz
Cara Horowitz is the executive director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at UCLA School of Law. The Emmett Institute was founded as the first law school center in the nation focused on climate change law and policy.
EPA's crime on its 40th birthday? Having accomplished too much
Meltwater gourmet -- just perfect
A poor grade for California's new Rigs-to-Reefs law
California full-steam-ahead on cap and trade
UCLA releases new analysis of Proposition 26's impacts to state environmental programs
Hear Sean on KCRW discussing tonight's California gubernatorial debate
Another Senator paddling backwards on climate (are we up a creek yet?)
Comer craziness: Appellate nuisance victory overturned, despite lack of quorum (!)
EPA's Clean Air Act tailoring rule finalized today
US climate emissions down a whopping 7% in 2009