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Cara Horowitz
Cara Horowitz is the executive director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at UCLA School of Law. The Emmett Institute was founded as the first law school center in the nation focused on climate change law and policy.
Overall impressions of COP/MOP: World Governance for the Climate-as-Artifact
Addressing Climate Change: Is there a special role for the private sector?
U.S. single track proposal sounds a lot like WTO ‘single undertaking’
A Rift Appears Within the G77 + China, Derailing the COP & CMP – But Not the Real Work
“Oil and politics mix well, but I’m not sure if oil and science mix well”
COP 15 Kicks Off!
Off to Copenhagen...
More on today's White House announcement re Copenhagen
More on the recent Pew poll and on debating the science
California water deal struck (just in time for UCLA event)