My Profile
Duncan McLaren
Duncan is currently an Emmett Institute Climate Intervention Fellow in Environmental Law and Policy. His interests focus on whether and how geoengineering can contribute to climate justice; and more broadly on the relationships between technology, politics and ethics.
An Ethical Framework for Climate Intervention Research
Arctic Futures: White Shield or Blue Economy
Earth system tipping events now seem inevitable - what does this mean for climate governance?
Is Activism a Part of Responsible Climate Scholarship?
The global conversation about solar geoengineering just changed at the UN Environment Assembly. Here’s how.
Countries failed to agree first steps on solar geoengineering at the UN. What went wrong?
How much should we worry about climate tipping points?
Is “carbon management” just another COP-out?
Climate Change is Finally Heating Up Politics – But Not in a Good Way
Comparing the Risks of Climate Change and Geoengineering