My Profile
Megan Herzog
As the Emmett/Frankel Fellow at UCLA School of Law from 2012 to 2016, Megan Herzog taught and researched environmental law and policy issues for the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.
EPA’s Proposed 111(d) Rule: Some Insights & Open Legal Questions (PART I)
EPA Releases Section 111(d) Rule for Existing Power Plants
EPA to Release Proposed Rule for Existing Power Plants under Clean Air Act 111(d) that Cuts Carbon Emissions 30% from 2005 Levels by 2030
Upcoming Climate Practitioners' Workshop at UCLA
Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA: Another Take on the SCOTUS Oral Argument
EPA and the Social Cost of Carbon: Part II
Bombs Bursting in Air: Environmental Regulation of Fireworks
Which City Has the Best Parks? Trust for Public Lands Releases Annual ParkScore Ranking.
The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council’s "Draft Comprehensive Plan for Restoring the Gulf Coast’s Ecosystem and Economy" does not actually include any restoration projects.
Industry Coalition Petitions for Supreme Court Review of D.C. Circuit Decision on Greenhouse Gas Rules