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Megan Herzog
As the Emmett/Frankel Fellow at UCLA School of Law from 2012 to 2016, Megan Herzog taught and researched environmental law and policy issues for the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.
Thanks very much, Michael. You are right to point out that a 15-20% cost increase has different meaning in today's…
On Is CCS the “best” system of emission reduction for coal-fired power plants?
Thank you for your kind words, great points, and continuing mentorship Michael. You've had no small influence! Point taken that…
On Is Carbon Capture & Sequestration (CCS) the Biggest Threat to the Clean Power Plan?
BQRQ: Thank you for your question. EPA projects that, nationwide, the Clean Power Plan will avoid thousands of premature deaths…
On Resources on the Clean Power Plan
Thank you for this thoughtful and thought-provoking post, Dan! One might say that the Supreme Court has already shown its…
On The Death of Deference?
Thank you for your recognition of our amicus brief arguments, Eric and J.B. Footnote 7 of Justice Scalia's opinion was…
On General Permits and the Regulation of Greenhouse Gases
Thanks for your comment, Alyden. LegalPlanet has previously discussed the relationship between the dormant commerce clause and California's cap-and-trade rules…
On PART IV – EPA’s Proposed 111(d) Rule: Some Insights & Open Legal Questions
Thank you for your comment, D. I tend to agree with your interpretation of the role of EPA's emission guideline…
On PART IV – EPA’s Proposed 111(d) Rule: Some Insights & Open Legal Questions
Thanks for your comment, Casey. The proposed rule is only focused on the emission intensity of electricity sector. You correctly…
On PART III – EPA’s Proposed 111(d) Rule: Some Insights & Open Legal Questions
Thank you for noting the mention of Billings, Andrew.
On Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA: Another Take on the SCOTUS Oral Argument
Nice post, Jesse!
On Environmental Review of Free Trade Agreements