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Megan Herzog
As the Emmett/Frankel Fellow at UCLA School of Law from 2012 to 2016, Megan Herzog taught and researched environmental law and policy issues for the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.
Obama Administration Releases National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan
Poll Shows Vast Majority of Americans Favor Sea-Level Rise Adaptation. Now, Time to Start Planning.
Readers: We Need Your Feedback
D.C. Circuit Affirms Polar Bear Listing
Tonight’s State of the Union (Plus “2013 SOTU Climate Change Bingo”)
Whale Wars in the Courtroom
What to expect from President Obama’s inaugural address
Supreme Court agrees to hear TX-OK water dispute: Tarrant Regional Water District v. Herrmann
The Significance of NOAA’s Recent Proposal to Protect 66 Coral Species
Resolving the Artificial vs. Natural Holiday Tree Debate