My Profile
Richard Frank
Richard Frank is Professor of Environmental Practice and Director of the U. C. Davis School of Law’s California Environmental Law & Policy Center. From 2006-2010, he served as Executive Director of the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment and as a Lecturer in Residence at the U.C. Berkeley School of Law. Frank’s particular research interests include climate change law and policy; water in the American West; environmental governance questions; property rights and the environment; and coastal and oceans policy.
California Adopts New, Welcome Wetlands Protection Rules
A Legislative Response to California's Housing Emergency: Senator Skinner's SB 330
Commemorating a Major Environmental Disaster--One With a Transformative Legacy
2019 California Water Law Symposium Set for February 2nd in San Francisco
Assessing--and Celebrating--California Governor Jerry Brown's Environmental Legacy
Auctioning the Upzone: A New Strategy for Inducing Local-Government Compliance with State Housing Policies
California's Proposition 6: Bad Policy & Nefarious Politics
U.C. Davis Law's Environmental Law Center Releases Proposition 3 White Paper
Supreme Court Stays Upcoming Juliana Trial
The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act Turns 50