My Profile
Sean Hecht
Sean B. Hecht is the Co-Executive Director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, Evan Frankel Professor of Policy and Practice, and Co-Director of the Frank G. Wells Environmental Law Clinic at UCLA School of Law. He teaches Public Natural Resources Law and Policy, Environmental Law, the Environmental Law Clinic, and a California state environmental law seminar. Sean builds collaborations and conducts research on environmental issues involving academia, practicing environmental lawyers, advocacy organizations, policymakers, and the business community.
This bqrq denial is an interesting new development. Who is to say who is the "real bqrq" in this post-fact…
On Willful Ignorance
No offense taken at your confusing me with Dan. I do encourage you to read and engage with the actual…
On Update on the Litigation Over EPA’s Rule Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New Power Plants
You have outdone yourself here with your fact-free analysis, bqrq - or perhaps devolved into self-parody. Not only is there…
On GOP Mayor: “Let’s Talk About the Octopus in the Room”
That is a laughable characterization of the House Report, which itself is ridiculous in the way it frames these issues.…
On It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again
Anthony, we are reading your comments, as well as everyone's, on this blog. We do appreciate your comments as well…
On Trump Has Thrown Down the Gauntlet
Thanks for this, Nell. I was not aware of this new comprehensive research, though I was aware of more modest…
On The Steadily-Dying Sierra Nevadas
Perhaps this will help you to answer your questions, or at least to ask better questions:
On Noted Without Comment
I didn't really understand the context for this without digging further; for others who, like me, need this to be…
On Noted Without Comment
I love the way the cited article touts his short stint in the federal government (as the chief of development…
On Trump, Sanders Voters and Climate Change
Thanks for letting me know about your inquiry on the website form. As far as I can tell, we don't…
On Trump, Sanders Voters and Climate Change