administrative law

Climate Change versus the Benzene Case

The Benzene Case — more properly, Industrial Union Dept. v. American Petroleum Inst. — is almost thirty years old, but is still the Supreme Court’s most important statement on risk regulation.  After considering mountains of evidence, OSHA issued a rule restricting benzene in the workplace.  Benzene was known to be a carcinogen; the evidence was …


Herein of Regulatory “Czars”

Some conservatives like Glenn Beck are now raising alarms about the power of “czars” within the Obama White House.   Although the rhetoric is ridiculous, there is a serious question here.  A long-term trend has been for Presidents to exert more centralized control over the bureaucracy, and as a practical matter that control has to be …


New and Noteworthy from the Ecology Law Quarterly

The latest issue of ELQ — full content available free here — is  centered on two broad themes: 1)  learning from other states, countries and international experiences and 2) the failures of administrative law as an environmental management tool. The issue includes the following articles: * The Transformation of Modern Administrative Law: Changing Administrations and …


Ruling by Justice Scalia Makes it Easier to Repeal Bush-Era Rules

Ironically, an opinion by Justice Scalia will indirectly help the Obama Administration repeal Bush-era environmental rules.