Clean Air Act

Tailoring the tailoring rule – we’re up to 75,000 tpy

Last week, Sean asked whether the EPA was backing off its plan to begin regulating stationary sources of greenhouse gas pollutants under the Clean Air Act.  This week, we learn more about the answer (“yes”) and some details about how much it’s backing off (“lots”). Background: The CAA requires EPA to begin regulating greenhouse gases …


Is EPA backtracking on Clean Air Act greenhouse gas regulation?

UPDATE: Cara discusses in this post some further developments that make the EPA’s plans more concrete, and concludes that the EPA is backtracking significantly from its proposed rule by delaying the timetable and by regulating fewer facilities. **** Last fall, our Environmental Protection Agency appeared to be on the verge of moving very quickly to …


Early endangerment finding fallout

As Dan discussed here, on Monday EPA finalized its finding that greenhouse gas emissions endanger public health and welfare. The new rule won’t be effective until 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register, but it is already generating spin and promises of litigation. Even before the final finding was issued, the Center for …


The Other Shoe Drops

EPA has now officially recognized what climate scientists have been telling us for years: climate change is real, and we’re the cause.


Should Obama Go To Copenhagen?

President Obama has, of course, already been to Copenhagen once this year — in his quest to bring the Olympics to Chicago —  and brought nothing home to show for it.  The stakes for the December United Nations Climate Change Conference are obviously much higher:  the negotiation of an international agreement to govern greenhouse gas emissions …


EPA releases Bush-era endangerment finding

UPDATE: Cara has more here, including a link to the draft that does not require a subscription. In Dec. 2007, EPA was ready to issue a proposed finding under the Clean Air Act that greenhouse gas pollution endangers public welfare. E&E News has now obtained a copy of the draft proposal (subscription required) through a …


The new and improved EPA

Since I’ve suggested elsewhere on this blog that EPA might not yet have achieved full vertebrate status with respect to mountaintop removal mining, I should acknowledge some of the positive steps the agency has taken recently. Three  examples: EPA and the Department of Transportation jointly proposed new fuel efficiency/greenhouse gas emission standards for cars and …


Waxman Markey, the Clean Air Act and State Climate Legislation

As I suggested last week, the prospects for the Waxman-Markey bill passing Congress this term don’t seem particularly high.  President Obama is expending significant political capital on health care reform.  The Senate is occupied with the Sotomayor Supreme Court hearings.  And the politics of climate legislation may be even tougher in the Senate than in …


Newsflash: EPA Proposes Clean Air Act Climate Regulation

From the Washington Post: The Environmental Protection Agency today plans to propose regulating greenhouse gas emissions on the grounds that these pollutants pose a danger to the public’s health and welfare, according to several sources who asked not to be identified. We’ll post more details and analysis as they become available. ——– The proposal is …


News Flash: White House Approves Endangerment Finding

ClimateWire (subscription required)  reports; U.S. EPA’s proposed endangerment finding cleared the White House review process yesterday, paving the way for an official announcement detailing the threats posed by global warming to both public health and welfare. President Obama’s EPA inherited the global warming review following an April 2007 Supreme Court decision that ordered the Bush …


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