Climate Change

How to Commit to Decarbonization

Feedback effects can lock in decarbonization policies, for better and for worse

This is the fifth in a series of posts.  The first post is here.  The second post is here.  The third post is here.  The fourth post is here.  Decarbonization is a long-term challenge, and it requires commitments to drive the investments required for innovation and deployment of non-fossil-fuel energy sources.  But long-term commitments, which …


On Carbon Pricing and Mass Climate Movements

Neither carbon pricing nor a mass climate movement can drive effective climate policy on their own

This is the fourth in a series of posts.  The first post is here.  The second post is here.  The third post is here. What lessons can we draw from this analysis for key climate policy debates?  Here, I will focus on two key lessons, first for carbon pricing, and second for the use of …


Step-by-Step: The Role of Sequencing in Effective Climate Policy

The key to climate policy is to start by supporting investments in new technologies that produce both innovation and political change

This is the third in a series of posts.  The first post is here.  The second post is here. How might sequencing work in climate policy?  And why is it important?  I’ll explore these questions by walking through the most important stage of climate policy – initiating action on climate change. The initial steps of …


The Multiple Goals of Climate Policy

Effective climate policy requires consideration of efficiency, equity, technological innovation, carbon reductions and political feasibility

This is the second in a series of posts.  The first post is here. When people think about climate policy, they probably think that the goal of climate policy is reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  And of course, the ultimate goal of climate policy is to reduce emissions, eventually getting us to an economy that is …


The Difficult Politics of Climate Change

How can we enact policy that is effective, resilient, and expands its ambition over time?

Climate change is a difficult problem to solve, politically.  The costs of addressing climate change are born by current generations, but the benefits accrue to many generations to come.  Addressing climate change might require people today to make significant sacrifices to benefit people around the world, as well as future generations.  There are significant, powerful …


Towards Better Permitting Reform

What are we trying to achieve?

This is the third in a series of posts on permitting reform.  The first post is here.  The second post is here. How could we realistically achieve permitting reform that will advance climate and environmental goals?  Answering that question requires recognizing the political realities of a sharply divided Congress and country.  Any significant change to …


Deal or No Deal?

Should Congress pass EPRA?

This is the second in a series of posts on permitting reform.  The first post is here. Given the provisions of the Energy Permitting Reform Act (EPRA), should Congress enact it as it stands now?  Answering that question is tricky, in part because it depends both on uncertain political and administrative action, as well as …


Should We Do Permitting Reform?

What is at stake with the Manchin bill.

As Congress wraps up its lame duck session before the new Congress and President arrive in January, there is a lot of debate about whether to move forward on permitting reform within a quickly shrinking window of time.  The basis of debate is the Energy Permitting Reform Act (EPRA) co-sponsored by Senators Manchin and Barrasso.  …


A Framework for Equity and Local Leadership in the EV Transition

Buses and cars

New tools to help local governments plan for equitable and effective investments

Eliminating fossil fuel-powered vehicles from the road is necessary to fight climate change and save thousands of lives at risk due to poor air quality. As governments and the auto industry advance the switch to electric vehicles, this rapid technology transition may disrupt traditional mobility patterns–and, without equitable planning and policy, it has the potential …


Yes, Virginia, There ARE Federal Climate Laws.

An image of the U.S. Capitol Building in the evening.

Contrary to myth, Congress has actually passed laws relating directly to climate change.

It’s a common misconception that Congress has never passed any climate change legislation. But Congresshas passed at least laws regulating two powerful greenhouse gases, as well as a series of other laws stretching back almost forty years. The story begins under President Nixon and extends into the Biden years with the multi-billion dollar Inflation Reduction Act.


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