endangerment finding

Lining up for endangerment litigation

February 16 marked the deadline to challenge EPA’s finding that greenhouse gas emissions endanger public health and welfare in federal court. According to BNA’s Environment Reporter, 16 such challenges were filed. The earliest seems to have come from an entity called the “Coalition for Responsible Regulation,” joined by mining and livestock interests (hat tip to …


The Other Shoe Drops

EPA has now officially recognized what climate scientists have been telling us for years: climate change is real, and we’re the cause.


More on the Bush-era greenhouse gas endangerment recommendation

The release of documents discussed in Holly’s post ends the story of one of the more ridiculous of the last Administration’s unceasing efforts to delay climate change regulation.  Scientists and policymakers at EPA had concluded that greenhouse gases were a danger to the public and should be regulated under the Clean Air Act.  They sent an email, …


Would a CO2 “monkey trial” improve scientific integrity and transparency?

As reported in the L.A. Times and Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has petitioned EPA to hold a trial-type hearing before finalizing its proposed finding that greenhouse gas emissions endanger public health and welfare. (We blogged about the proposed endangerment finding here.) The main argument in the petition is that a formal …


Waxman Markey, the Clean Air Act and State Climate Legislation

As I suggested last week, the prospects for the Waxman-Markey bill passing Congress this term don’t seem particularly high.  President Obama is expending significant political capital on health care reform.  The Senate is occupied with the Sotomayor Supreme Court hearings.  And the politics of climate legislation may be even tougher in the Senate than in …


Ragging on Climate Change

OMB’s memo exhibits shocking disregard of or ignorance of the law.


Oh What A Difference A President Makes

We’re not even 85 days into the Obama Administration and yet the signs of environmental change are all around us.  The EPA announced today its  formal determination under the Clean Air Act that greenhouse gases are pollutants that endanger public health and welfare.  This is only the latest in a string of announcements that show just how quickly Obama is …


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