environmental law scholarship

The Origins of Climate Awareness in the Legal Academy

Forty years ago, the legal academia was getting its first glimmering about climate change.

Today, climate change is the central, though by no means the only, concern in environmental law. Awareness of the issue began slowly, however. Westlaw searches for “global warming” and “greenhouse effect” pick up only a handful of citations before 1985. The earliest mentions of these terms in the law review literature came in the late …


The Trajectory of Environmental Law Scholarship: 1975-2018

The volume of scholarship has swelled, as attention has turned to climate and renewable energy.

Over the time I’ve been following environmental law, there’s been a dramatic increase in the amount of scholarship in the field.  Back in 2011, I did a search of the Westlaw “Journals and Law Reviews” database for  (“environmental regulation” “air pollution” “water pollution” “endangered species”) with date restrictions.  Although this search is only an approximation, I figured …


Another opportunity for junior scholars

Call for papers for Sabin Colloquium on Innovative Environmental Law Scholarship

I’m happy to see that the opportunities for junior scholars to workshop papers are multiplying. In addition to the University of Washington workshop we recently noted, Columbia will be hosting its 2d Annual Sabin Colloquium on Innovative Environmental Law Scholarship. The Colloquium will take place May 8-9, 2014. Travel costs will be covered for all …


Environmental Law Scholarship: A Sampler

If you’re wondering what environmental law scholarship is about, here’s about three-weeks-worth of recent publications, covering everything from roadless rules to fisheries to renewable energy to climate change. 1.    Aarons, Kyle J. Note. The real world roadless rules challenges. 109 Mich. L. Rev. 1293-1325 (2011).   2.    Blades, Emmi. Comment. Using the legal system to …


What Do Environmental Law Scholars Write About?

Some of our readers who aren’t in law schools  probably wonder what environmental law professors actually do. (Some of our readers who are in law schools might be wondering the same thing!).  I thought it might be helpful to provide a sample of recent scholarship.  Here are recent lists of working papers from SSRN.com, which …


The Burgeoning Volume of Environmental Law Scholarship

I’ve had the impression that, over the time I’ve been following environmental law, there’s been a dramatic increase in the amount of scholarship in the field.  I did a search of the Westlaw JLR database for  (“environmental regulation” “air pollution” “water pollution” “endangered species”) with data restrictions.  This search is only an approximation but it …