Climate Change

Should Climate Advocates Fight School Board Elections?

Climate advocates might take a lesson from one of the most significant political movements of the last four decades: evangelical Christians.

Why have climate advocates failed in creating political support for significant climate policy?  Amy Luers thinks she knows.  In her recent piece, Rethinking US Climate Advocacy, her abstract states: It is time to reassess climate advocacy. To develop a strategy for philanthropy to strengthen climate engagement, I interviewed over 40 climate advocates, more than a dozen representatives …


Single-Family Houses: A Smart Growth Strategy

Single family homes are a smart growth strategy as long they are planned and developed, well, smartly.

Sunday’s New York Times features a story by Shaila Dewan asking, “Is Suburban Sprawl on the Way Back?”  Answer: not really, although highly compact urban development is hardly going to dominate, either.  The best quote from the whole piece comes from Smart Growth America President Geoff Anderson, who correctly observed, The market isn’t all for smart growth, …


Lies, Damned Lies, and Climate Denial

One key question is whether these statements amounted to factual accusations that Mann had engaged in scientific misconduct.

A D.C. trial judge recently refused to dismiss climate scientist Michael Mann’s libel lawsuits against the National Review and the Competitiveness Institute.  There are some serious constitutional barriers against such libel suits, which are designed to provide ample breathing room for free speech.  Is this one of the rare cases that can jump the hurdles?


New Report Released Today on Electric Vehicle Deployment in Hawaii

Hawaii may be a paradise, but not if you’re driving a fossil fuel car and getting all of your electricity from the grid. The state has the highest gas and electricity prices in the nation, burning imported fossil fuels and costing residents dearly. Yet Hawaii has abundant renewable resources, from solar to wind to geothermal. …


CEQA Reform 2013: Long-Overdue Changes for Infill and the Environment

It looks like State Senate pro Tem Darrell Steinberg might finally be putting the “E” back in “CEQA,” at least when it comes to how California’s premiere environmental law treats traffic impacts. His bill SB 731 to reform the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), previously discussed by Eric, is taking aim at the law’s perverse …


The Shape of Things to Come

The American Meteorological Society has released a report about the link between recent extreme events and climate change.  Such attribution studies are very tricky, since natural variability is high.  The most that can usually be said is that events of a certain magnitude have become more likely with climate change.  The AMS report reflects a …


California Poised to Take a Major Step Forward on Energy Storage

Energy storage isn’t called the “Holy Grail” for nothing. Without it, we simply cannot meet our long-term greenhouse gas reduction goals. To decarbonize the energy supply, intermittent renewable energy from the sun and wind must be stored for later dispatch when those resources aren’t available. We’ve covered this subject extensively here and here. Now California …


Syria: The Wages of Climate Change

In considering the complex and painful question of whether to intervene in Syria, policymakers should take a close look at the memorandum published Monday on the Atlantic Monthly’s website by William R. Polk, a State Department Policy Planning Staff member during the Kennedy Administration.  I don’t agree with everything Polk says, but it is one …


A Farewell to August: Tax Private Jets!

For Dan, Labor Day means thinking about Labor.  For me, it means thinking about the horrific traffic that Cape Cod summer residents face on their way back to wherever.  Or rather, it means thinking about the ridiculous mode of transportation the some friends of mine used to avoid that traffic. My friends work for a …


(Tentative) ruling in cap-and-trade case looks good for CA: ARB has auction authority

It’s never over till it’s over, but for now California is breathing a little easier as it defends its cap-and-trade allowance auctions from two high-profile industry challenges. The cases, which Ann has discussed here and here, were filed by the California Chamber of Commerce and the Pacific Legal Foundation, and they make both statutory and …


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