
BREAKING NEWS: Another West Coast Win for PACE Energy Financing

Almost a year later, California wins again in the effort to reverse a federal agency’s 2010 decision that decimated PACE, a promising financing program for residential energy efficiency and renewable investments. Federal District Court Judge Claudia Wilken ruled today that the Federal Housing Finance Authority (FHFA) violated the Administrative Procedure Act’s (APA) notice-and-comment requirement when …


Electricity Prices and “Green Economy” Regulation

What is the relationship between pursuing an aggressive renewable portfolio standard and residential electricity prices?  Here is what the San Francisco Chronicle (not a Romney newspaper) has to say: Going green: San Francisco’s plan to “go green” will likely cost the typical city consumer about $9 more a month – with most of the money going …


Californians and the Environment: PPIC’s New Survey Results

The Public Policy Institute of California this week released the results of its 12th annual “Californians and the Environment” survey.  PPIC, a non-partisan think tank, always seems to be generating thought-provoking and cutting-edge scholarship focusing on the nation-state of California. Its latest environmental survey, based on recent polling of 2500 Californians, continues that tradition. The …


Law School News: Sunstein Returns to Harvard

The White House announced that Cass Sunstein will be leaving OMB at the end of the month to return to Harvard Law School.  Sunstein was not popular with environmentalists– I have heard people say that he was worse than some of the OMB heads who served under Republican presidents.  He also doesn’t seem to have …


What Did Romney Believe and When Did He Believe It?

Two days ago, I posted documentation about Romney’s views about climate change.  Today, I want to discuss where he’s been consistent and when he has changed course. What’s causing climate change? Romney has been consistent in saying that the climate is changing. In terms of the reasons, however, he’s been cautious, hedging to varying degrees …


Overdrafting California’s Groundwater Resources–A Chronic Condition

A recently issued study by a University of Texas-led group of research scientists confirm a discomforting fact: groundwater resources in California’s Central Valley are being depleted at an alarming rate.  As reported in the Sacramento Bee, the study warns that current groundwater extraction rates from the Central Valley aquifer–which is primarily mined to serve agricultural …


The Politics of State Energy Deregulation: A Hypothesis

If you are interested in environmental policy, state public utility commissions might be the important agencies you’ve never heard of.  PUCs determine how much power capacity there will be and even more importantly, what the mix of energy sources will generate it.  Sometimes pundits will speak of “national energy policy”, but that is essentially a null set: …


The Economist on Natural Gas: Slouching Toward Mediocrity

I was quite interested in finding last week that The Economist’s most recent major survey is about natural gas.  Given the explosion of natural gas resources (uh…so to speak) and the world’s growing reliance on it, I needed to get up to speed. Besides, from a climate perspective, getting the fracking issue right is crucial.  …


Romney’s Advisers

As I’ve posted earlier, Romney’s website is staunchly anti-regulatory and pro-fossil fuel.  That’s also the position of his foremost energy advisrr, Harold Hamm. Hamm is the 66-year-old founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Continental Resources Inc. (CLR).  CLR is an oil producer which is leading the charge for fracking. Not surprisingly, Hamm loves “Mitt’s …


Health and Superfund

I belatedly happened across an interesting paper by Michael Greenstone.  The Abstract summarizes the key finding: We are the first to examine the effect of Superfund cleanups on infant health rather than focusing on proximity to a site. We study singleton births to mothers residing within 5km of a Superfund site between 1989-2003 in five …


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