My Profile
Eric Biber
Eric Biber is a specialist in conservation biology, land-use planning and public lands law. Biber brings technical and legal scholarship to the field of environmental law. Prior to joining Berkeley Law in 2006, he worked in the Denver office of Earthjustice, a public-interest nonprofit organization specializing in public lands and other environmental cases. His principal research interests include environmental and natural resources law, administrative law and property.
Public Lands Watch: BLM Methane Rule (Again)
Surveying the Landscape of Local Zoning and CEQA
The impact of Trump's offshore leasing plans
The politics of Trump's offshore leasing proposal
The Administration's offshore oil and gas leasing proposal
Supreme Court Update: PEPTO and Rinehart
The Anthropocene and public law
Public Lands Watch: Izembek National Wildlife Refuge
The Anthropocene and private law
The Anthropocene and the legal system