climate denial

Climate Denial and the Republicans: The Poor Man’s Anticommunism

Why is the Republican Party so wedded to climate denial?  As Dan has noted, not a single Republican candidate in the 2010 Senate elections could acknowledge the reality of climate change.  Shortly after taking the majority in the House, the House Energy and Commerce Committee declared climate change to be a hoax.  But this seems …


Quote of the Day — or the Year — or the Century

Eric Pooley, vice president of the Environmental Defense Fund, on Hurricane Sandy: “We can’t say that steroids caused any one home run by Barry Bonds, but steroids sure helped him hit more and hit them farther. Now we have weather on steroids.” Any questions?           UPDATE: Our commenter and friend Maya …


New Climate Denial Talking Point!

Or at least one that I’ve never heard before. On Friday night, I was lucky enough to be the “left” in a local version of NPR’s “Left, Right, and Center” with Matt Miller.  We did it at my local synagogue, where Miller (and I) are members.  The “right” was my old friend Larry Greenfield, who …


The True North Strong and Dumb

A few months ago, Rhead set a Legal Planet record for attracting comments: 33 (mostly hostile) reactions on a relatively straightforward post about how Canada had achieved the gold medal for “fossilhood”, i.e. most antagonistic to a climate treaty. Well, it appears as if Rhead has understated the matter: Federal Conservatives are downplaying concerns over …


Paul Ryan and the National Carbon Debt

Climate  denialists applauded Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan for what they call Ryan’s “awesome energy & climate record.” That’s not surprising: Ryan does have a clear record on climate change.   As ThinkProgress has documented: Ryan has voted to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from limiting greenhouse pollution, to eliminate White House climate advisers, to …


The role of science in climate politics

Jonathan in his recent post and his comments to that post made a big point of emphasizing the importance of science as the basis for action in terms of climate change.  He also emphasized his belief that the denial of climate change by leading Republicans in the current campaign is an unprecedented rejection of science …


We Interrupt This Blog…

…and outsource it (or offshore it or whatever) to Roy Edroso of Alicublog (h/t Dr. Black): HOW TO BECOME AN UNPERSON. Steven Hayward at Power Line, March 2011: Embedded below, if I have mastered the custom Power Line formatting, is a stunning five-minute video of Berkeley physicist Richard Muller shredding the infamous climate “hockey stick” that …


Muller Serves Up a Koch Zero, No Ice.

Physicist Richard Muller reports the results of his research, which was funded by Charles Koch Charitable Foundation.  The results were probably not what Koch was hoping for: “CALL me a converted skeptic. Three years ago I identified problems in previous climate studies that, in my mind, threw doubt on the very existence of global warming. Last …


Wish-I’d-Said-That Department

Slacktivist (h/t RBC): The nefarious global conspiracy promoting the climate-change hoax continues to spread: The oceans are in on it. So are the maple trees of New England. And both Dakotas.


Monsieur Fouche, Meet Professor Gleick

By now, Peter Gleick’s ethical indiscretions concerning the Heartland Institute are old news.  But for lawyers, they raise particularly interesting ethical issues because they highlight the question of really, whether there were ethical barriers broached at all. I initially thought that this was obviously the case: someone in my profession would get disbarred for doing …