Federal Climate Policy

Ranking Presidents on Climate Change

Seven presidents, seven very different legacies.

Although a 1977 memo alerted Jimmy Carter to the problem of climate change, the first tentative responses to climate change didn’t emerge until he left the White House. Since then, there have been seven very different men in the White House.  You may find the rankings surprising. Here’s how I would rank them, from best …



Yes, the IRA has flaws. But it was a really unexpected breakthrough for US climate policy.

Call me eccentric, but this is my Valentine to a federal statute, the Inflation Reduction Act, better known as the IRA. No one really expected IRA to pass. A version of the Green New Deal had passed the House. But the Democrats had only a one-vote margin in the Senate, and that one vote was …


The Unique Legal Context of EPA Methane  Regulations

Three separate congressional actions intersect to support the regulations.

The government’s efforts to control methane have followed a complicated path, involving three different congressional actions:  section 111 of the Clean Air Act,  which allows EPA to regulate emissions of greenhouse gases; a congressional override of an earlier regulatory action; and a newer statute that creates a fee on methane emissions.  The upshot is to …


Dr. King, Community, and Climate

 Climate policy turns on an issue highlighted by Dr. King: Whose suffering counts?

“A genuine revolution of values means in the final analysis that our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Every nation must now develop an overriding loyalty to mankind as a whole in order to preserve the best in their individual societies.” Those words are from a 1967 speech delivered at Riverside Church by Dr. …


Judicial Activism and Climate Change: An Unhealthy Combination

The trial judge in the Juliana case won’t give up, no matter what higher courts say..

An Oregon federal judge has convinced herself that climate change is a constitutional issue.  After what promises to be a lengthy trial, Judge Aiken plans to decide whether U.S. energy policy passes constitutional muster. While I have no doubts about her sincerity and good intentions, her opinion itself shows why her courtroom is not the …


Election 2024: Climate Action vs. Radical Deregulation

Voters should consider the radical, right-wing deregulation agenda that would await on Day One of a second Trump administration.

The Iowa Caucuses are 12 days away. The South Carolina Republican Primary comes 5 weeks later. And just two weeks after that is Super Tuesday. In the lead up to all these primary contests, anti-democracy candidate Donald Trump continues to march toward capturing the GOP nomination with a commanding lead in national polls. While headlines …


More Thrills and Chills Ahead!  What to Expect in 2024

Here are the key events that will shape climate and energy policy.

We will face some important forks in the road in 2024 in terms of environmental law.  Here are some of the upcoming forks. Who will be President in 2025?  You probably don’t need reminding that 2024 is an election year. At this point, the election seems likely to be a replay of Biden versus Trump. …


2023: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Here’s what happened in the world of energy and environment.

A lot has happened this year, with political turmoil in the House of Representatives, indictments of Donald Trump and associates, and a close scrape with default on the national debt.  In the world of energy and environment, the picture has also been mixed, but with more good than bad. The Good. California enacted two major …


A Big Year on Legal Planet

Planet Earth evolving

Here are the 12 most popular topics in environmental law and climate policy on Legal Planet based on our most-read posts from 2023.

It’s an understatement to say that 2023 was a transformative year for the U.S. climate movement. We saw rapid implementation of landmark federal climate laws, a series of big actions on methane emissions, a deal on Colorado River water usage, and bigger-than-expected climate victories in Sacramento. EPA’s control of toxic chemicals was tested, the U.S. …


The Children’s Crusade

The latest climate lawsuit is well intended, but it’s almost certain to lose and could do serious harm.

The Children’s Trust has filed another lawsuit, one that gives me serious qualms. I know their hearts are in the right place, but I wish they had thought twice about filing this case. I struggle to find any benefit from the litigation. It has no apparent chance of success. Worse, it disparages people in the …